Cap Haitien, Haiti
Here are some pictures of the city of Cap Haitien. Cap Haitien is the second largest city in Haiti.
All Comments (9)
we must decentralized the coutry to see change.
the president shoould not be the sole
haitians don't take care of their country at all, they'd rather go somewhere else to build some beautiful stuffs at other people's country, that's y the haitians is still behind eventhough they occupied Dominican rep for 25 yrs, that's a shame, stop running away from ur home, that's 1 of the reason stranger want to take it away from u, they think that u r blind, u have no sense of humor, omg please my haitian ppl open ur eyes, ur country was the most precious island in the caribbean and now look at u, u r the worst almost.the ppl that I know, they stole all uve got and now they almost leave u alone cuz u don't have that much treasures in ur country anymore
they used u, can't u see
At this point in Haitian history it shouldnt matter how your streets look while the children are suffering.
Are they clean?
Are they hidden?
It is great to Love your country but more importantly to Love your
At this point in Haitian history it does not matterr weither the streets are clean.
The quetion I ask isn't it more important that the children are clean?
They are what is truly hidden.
It is good that you love your culture but it is more important that you love your
Don't kill the messenger, check out the message.
The guy did not make your beloved Haiti look like that. You and your kind did that with all your so-called love for that country.
Open your eyes to the problems and do something about it. Take your head out of the sand. Spare us the faux patriotism and the gonfle lestomak.
I am sorry I have to reply in English.
I love Haiti as much as you do. My camera is only showing you what my eyes saw.
Someday I hope to be able to travel throughout Haiti to show the beautiful and historic parts, the beautiful beaches etc.
quand vous dites mayor de quel mayor voulez vous parler puisque j'ai laisse haiti depuis 2000 d'pres moi vous etes parmi les personnes qui peuvent parler au mayor de la ville ou au president de la republique please don't send me dirty pictures i don't have times for that. i have 2 questions for you ;first where do you live second do you love your j'aime mon pays je nepeux pas le denigrer ou appuyer une personne qui veux le faire.
I am from Haiti too. and I do want to show pictures of Haiti, Clean Pictures of Haiti.
However, If I travel through the city to another destination what I see is what the tourists see.
It is the job of your local government to create a facade on the main roads to make a tourist like me go WOW!
merci d'avoir envoyer les photos du cap haitien mais malheuresement vous avez montrer la barriere bouteille, la cite du pond neuf et engros les cotes salles de la ville la prochaine fois n'oubliez pas de prendre les ctes propres de la ville ainsi que les gros etablissement de la ville moi je connais la ville parfaitement bien elle ne se compose de la barriere bouteille seulement et en plus je ne peux pas montrer a mes enfants les cotes sales seulement specialement a ma fille qui vient chez les soeurs st joseph de cluny situees a la rue 16 espagnole elle va me demander pour l'etablissement.
Tags: Cap Haitien Haiti
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