Dominican Republic Pictures

Pictures from the Dominican Republic, Here are some pictures from my trip to Santo Domingo for the Konpa Festival 2007. I drove from Malpasse Haiti through Jimani, Duverge, Barahona, Azua de Compostela, Bani, San Cristobal, and finally arriving at Santo Domingo

Hotel Barcelo Lina, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

Hotel Barcelo Lina, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

Here is a picture of Haitian filmmaker Raynald Delerme at the lobby hotel Barcelo Lina in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.

Did you know? The Dominican Republic shares the island of Hispaniola with the Republic of Haiti.

This was taken on my first trip to the Dominican Republic, me and my friend Raynald, aka BABA, we took a road trip from Haiti to Santo Domingo to take part in a Haitian festival that was being held there.

It was fun!

See more photos @

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PHOTO: Military Attack Aircraft - EMB 314 / A-29 Super Tucano

PHOTO: Military Attack Aircraft - EMB 314 / A-29 Super Tucano

Look at this photo... The EMB 314 / A-29 Super Tucano Military attack aircraft and counter insurgency...

These planes are currently in service with the air forces of Angola, Brazil, Dominican Republic, Colombia, Ecuador, Chile, Burkina Faso, Mauritania and Indonesia, and has been ordered by Senegal, Honduras and the United States Air Force.

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PHOTO: Dominican Soldiers

PHOTO: Dominican Soldiers

Look at this photo... Dominican Soldiers

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Yon Machinn Shaje Haitien ki ap Rapatrye soti Republique Dominicaine

Yon Machinn Shaje Haitien ki ap Rapatrye soti Republique Dominicaine

Gade photo saa... Haitien ki ap rapatriye Haiti soti Republique Dominicaine. Yon camion leta vinin depoze yon devan fontyè yo a...

Ajans leta dominicain di se 172 Ayisyen ki volontèman mande sipò otorite yo pou yo te retounen nan peyi yo apre sitiyasyon apre konfli sosyal nan Neiba kote 2 granmoun Dominikenaje te mouri epi yo te akise yon Ayisien.

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Haitian Sugar Cane Field Worker in the Dominican Republic

Haitian Sugar Cane Field Worker in the Dominican Republic

Here is a photo of a Haitian sugar cane field worker in the Dominican Republic.

Every year for seventy years or more, male seasonal immigrants from Haiti have arrived to work the sugar harvest in the Dominican Republic. The migrants are lodged in rooms at the batey sometimes with no facilities and expected to work cropping sugar cane in long days with hard hours. In the past, Dominican heads of state paid Haitian heads of state a finder's fee to round up large numbers of Haitians.

These days, individual ingenios and land owners (colonos) pay headhunters (buscones), a fee for each cane cutter (picador) the headhunter provides. A headhunter may entice the prospective labourer with promises of a work permit, and often requires a large fee from the prospective immigrant. When immigrants arrive, they may find that they are not free to leave the batey until they finish the labor, and that the conditions are absolutely deplorable, even when they can get paid many times more than what they had previously received in Haiti.

Read more @ Wikipedia

Photo clipped from an original photo from Dominican Team 1 on Flickr

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Haitian sugar cane cutter in the Dominican Republic

Haitian sugar cane cutter in the Dominican Republic

Here is a photo of a Haitian sugar cane cutter in the Dominican Republic

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Haiti Tube Rafts - River Crossing into the Dominican Republic

Haiti Tube Rafts - River Crossing into the Dominican Republic

Here is a photo of Haitians crossing the Artibonite River into the Dominican Republic using a tube raft.

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Caterpillar Loader dominican republic

Caterpillar Loader dominican republic

here is a picture of a Caterpillar Loader in the dominican republic taken on my first trip to the dominican republic. See more photos on the <A HREF=" Travel Blog</A>

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cars on the road Dominican Republic

cars on the road Dominican Republic

here is a picture of cars on the road, taken on my first trip to the dominican republic. See more photos on the <A HREF=" Travel Blog</A>

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dominican road trip

dominican road trip

here is a picture, dominican road trip, taken on my first trip to the dominican republic,. See more photos on the <A HREF=" Travel Blog</A>

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