Haiti Elections 2010

Here are some pictures of Haiti presidential elections 2010

Vote Michel Martely Prezidan Haiti Election Ballot

Vote Michel Martely Prezidan Haiti Election Ballot

Here is a photo, Vote Michel Martely Prezidan Haiti Election Ballot, taken during Haiti election day, March 20 2010

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Mirlande Manigat For President - RDNP No 69

Mirlande Manigat For President - RDNP No 69

Here is a photo of Mirlande Manigat posters in Haiti during the Haiti 2010 presidential elections

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Michel Martelly Kissing Mirlande Manigat

Michel Martelly Kissing Mirlande Manigat

Here is a photo of Haiti presidential candidate Michel Martelly kissing the hands her opponent, presidential candidate Mirlande Manigat.

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PHOTO: Haiti Election Ballot - A voter votes for Martelly in the 2010 Presidential Elections

PHOTO: Haiti Election Ballot - A voter votes for Martelly in the 2010 Presidential Elections

Look at this photo... Haiti Election Ballot - A voter votes for Martelly in the 2010 Presidential Elections

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