Haiti La Begue, Centre

La Begue is a small farming community (section comunale) outside of Hinche Haiti, departement du Centre, along the Guayamouco river.

Haiti - Andeyò : Yon Kizinn nan Lakou a...

Haiti - Andeyò : Yon Kizinn nan Lakou a...

Gade photo saa... Yon Kizinn (cuisine) nan Lakou a andeyò Haiti. Le ou ale andeyò (a la campagne), chak ti lakou genyen yon ti kay kouvri an tach epi klise an bwa. Se la moun yo fe manje.

ENGLISH: This is a photo of a Haitian countyside kitchen

Yon lot bagay tou ou te ka pa konnen, se la tou peyizan konn mete nich poul le poul yo ap ponn...

Photo kizinn saa se Labeg mwen te pran li...

Ou se moun andeyò?

Kisa ou sonje le-w wè kizin saa

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Haiti Chicken - Manman poul la...

Haiti Chicken - Manman poul la...

Gade foto saa... Yon manman poul Haiti ak yon bann ti poul deye li...

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Maman Poul Haiti ak 10 ti pou deye li

Maman Poul Haiti ak 10 ti pou deye li

Gade foto saa... Yon manman poul Haiti ak 10 ti poul deye li...

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Flooded Guayamouc river in rural Haiti

Flooded Guayamouc river in rural Haiti

Photo from my visit to La Begue, Centre, Haiti, Aug 2013 after more than 25 years.

La Begue is a farm land, located along the Guayamouco River.

I drove from Hinche to an area called "Savanne Plate" and had to walk the rest of the way to La Begue.

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Flooded river in rural Haiti

Flooded river in rural Haiti

Flooded Guayamouco River in La Begue, Plateau Central Haiti.

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Erosion - Riviere Guayamunco - Centre, Haiti

Erosion - Riviere Guayamunco - Centre, Haiti

Here is a photo of what happens when the rivers swell up in Haiti, they run through fertile land and erode the soil.

This is my father's farm in La Bergue Haiti.

Photo from my visit to La Begue, Centre, Haiti, Aug 2013

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Sweet Corn Growing - Plateau Centrale Haiti

Sweet Corn Growing -  Plateau Centrale Haiti

Plateau Centrale Haiti - Fresh Sweet corn is one of the greatest pleasures of summer. within less than a month, this corn will be ready to eat.

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Farm land devastated by Guayamuco river - La Begue Haiti

Farm land devastated by Guayamuco river - La Begue Haiti

Plateau centrale Haiti - When the Guayamuco river is flooded, it ravages the farm lands in its path.

This is actually my father's farm land devastated by the Guayamuco river in La Begue Haiti outside Hinche.

Photo from my visit to La Begue, Centre, Haiti, Aug 2013

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Riviere Guayamunco - La Begue Haiti

Riviere Guayamunco - La Begue Haiti

La riviere Guayamunco est encrue

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Bananiers - La Begue Haiti

Bananiers - La Begue Haiti

Photo from my visit to La Begue, Centre, Haiti, Aug 2013 after more than 25 years.

La Begue is a farm land, located along the Guayamouco River.

I drove from Hinche to an area called "Savanne Plate" and had to walk the rest of the way to La Begue.

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