aux cayes

Embouchure Riviere Labiche - Plage Gelee - Les Cayes Haiti

Embouchure Riviere Labiche - Plage Gelee - Les Cayes Haiti

Look at this photo from Gelée Beach in Les Cayes Haiti (Plage De Gelee Aux Cayes), one of the longest and most visited beaches in Haiti...

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Bridge across mouth of Labiche River to Gelee Beach - Les Cayes Haiti

Bridge across mouth of Labiche River to Gelee Beach - Les Cayes Haiti

Look at this photo... Bridge across mouth (embouchure) of Labiche River to Gelee Beach - Les Cayes Haiti

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Restaurant area - Gelee Beach - Les Cayes Haiti

Restaurant area - Gelee Beach - Les Cayes Haiti

Look at this photo from Gelée Beach in Les Cayes Haiti (Plage De Gelee Aux Cayes), one of the longest and most visited beaches in Haiti...

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Restaurant area - Gelee Beach - Les Cayes Haiti

Restaurant area - Gelee Beach - Les Cayes Haiti

Look at this photo from Gelée Beach in Les Cayes Haiti (Plage De Gelee Aux Cayes), one of the longest and most visited beaches in Haiti...

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Restaurant area - Gelee Beach - Les Cayes Haiti

Restaurant area - Gelee Beach - Les Cayes Haiti

Look at this photo from Gelée Beach in Les Cayes Haiti (Plage De Gelee Aux Cayes), one of the longest and most visited beaches in Haiti...

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Restaurant area - Gelee Beach - Les Cayes Haiti

Restaurant area - Gelee Beach - Les Cayes Haiti

Look at this photo from Gelée Beach in Les Cayes Haiti (Plage De Gelee Aux Cayes), one of the longest and most visited beaches in Haiti...

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Restaurant area - Gelee Beach - Les Cayes Haiti

Restaurant area - Gelee Beach - Les Cayes Haiti

Look at this photo... Restaurant area - Gelee Beach - Les Cayes Haiti

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Restaurant Area at Gelee Beach - Les Cayes Haiti

Restaurant Area at Gelee Beach - Les Cayes Haiti

Look at this photo...Restaurant Areas at Gelee Beach in Les Cayes Haiti, one of the longest and most visited beaches in Haiti...

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A River that ends at Gelee Beach - Les Cayes Haiti

A River that ends at Gelee Beach - Les Cayes Haiti

Look at this photo from Gelée Beach in Les Cayes Haiti (Plage De Gelee Aux Cayes), one of the longest and most visited beaches in Haiti...

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Embouchure rivière de Labiche - Gelee Beach - Les Cayes Haiti

Embouchure rivière de Labiche - Gelee Beach - Les Cayes Haiti

Le quartier de Gelée, La Zone touristique, est limité naturellement à l'est et à l'ouest, d'un côté, par l'embouchure de la Ravine du Sud, et de l'autre, par celle de la rivière de Labiche.

Au nord, Gelee Gelée est borné par les rizières et au sud par la mer des Caraïbes. Dans sa partie orientale, deux cours d'eau le traversent avant de se jeter à la mer.

Gelée, dont la source est localisée à l'ouest, se faufile à travers les rizières, contourne le cÅ"ur commercial et semble se rediriger vers son point d'origine avant d'atteindre paresseusement la mer.


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