manifestation in haiti

PHOTO: Manifestation in Haiti - 20 Janvier 2014

PHOTO:  Manifestation in Haiti - 20 Janvier 2014

Look at this photo... Manifestation in Haiti - 20 Janvier 2014... This is the ceremonial monfire that was lit to start the street potest...

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PHOTO: Haiti Manifestation - Aba Pamela White

PHOTO: Haiti Manifestation - Aba Pamela White

Gade photo saa... Nan yon manifestation en Haiti, gen yon pankat ki di: MOLEGRAPH di Deyò Pamela, ki vle di Pamela White, ambasadè peyi Meriken nan Potoprens...

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PHOTO: Haiti - Manifestation 16 Decembre 2014

PHOTO: Haiti - Manifestation 16 Decembre 2014

Gade photo saa... Haiti - Boukan dife limen pou komansman manifestation 16 Decembre 2014 la

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Senateur Moise Jean-Charles nan Manifestation Haiti 15 Avril 2014

Senateur Moise Jean-Charles nan Manifestation Haiti 15 Avril 2014

Gade photo saa... Senateur Moise Jean-Charles ak yon foul moun deye li nan manifestation Anti-Martelly nan Port-au-Prince Haiti jounen 15 Avril 2014 la...

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A Tire Burning - Protest in Haiti

A Tire Burning - Protest in Haiti

"Burning tires will not change a thing. They will turn off international business interests... Outsiders EXPECT burning tires in Haiti. Let's not give them what they have learned to expect but a better way forward - like talking"

Twitter message by: U.S. ambassador to Haiti, Pamela A. White

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Fanmi Lavalas Manifestation In Haiti

Fanmi Lavalas Manifestation In Haiti

People came out in droves to protest the exclusion of Aristide's populist Fanmi Lavalas party from the upcoming elections in Haiti

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