Hope For Haiti Now Telethon
:=:Here are some still photos from the Hope for Haiti Now: A Global Benefit for Earthquake Relief.
Coldplay Hope For Haiti Now Telethon
Here is a photo, Coldplay Hope For Haiti Now Telethon. Donations will continue to be accepted for six months via the same methods used during the telecast, more info on this page
Shakira Hope For Haiti Now Telethon
Here is a photo, Shakira Hope For Haiti Now Telethon. Donations will continue to be accepted for six months via the same methods used during the telecast, more info on this page
Hope For Haiti Now Telethon - More info:
Hope for Haiti Now: A Global Benefit for Earthquake Relief was a charity telethon held on January 22, 2010.:=:
On January 23, it was reported that the telethon had raised over US$58 million, not including corporate and large private donors or sales of the album and video.
The amount is a record for donations by the general public to a telethon for disaster-relief.
On January 25 the figure was revised to $61 million.
Donations will continue to be accepted for six months via the same methods used during the telecast:
Online: HopeForHaitiNow.org
Phone: 877-99-HAITI
Text: Text "GIVE" to 50555
Mail: Hope For Haiti Now Fund, Entertainment Industry Foundation, 1201 West 5th Street, Suite T-700, Los Angeles, CA 90017
Funds are to be distributed to the following organizations with humanitarian operations in Haiti:
The Clinton Bush Haiti Fund
United Nations World Food Programme
Oxfam America
Partners In Health
Red Cross
Yéle Haiti Foundation