haiti riot

Haitian Street Protest Sign: Nou pa vle leta enkapab sa a (We no longer want this incapable government)

Haitian Street Protest Sign: Nou pa vle leta enkapab sa a (We no longer want this incapable government)

Read this Haitian street protest sign and hear the cry of the Haitian people, tired of an incapable government in Haiti. The sign reads "Nou Pa Vle Leta Emkapab Sa a" which literally translates to: We no longer want this incapable government / State.

The streets have become a platform for the people to express their frustrations and disappointment with their government. This has been happening for as long as Haiti has existed.

This recent protest signs, from a 2010 protest, boldly declaring, "Nou pa vle leta enkapab sa a" (We no longer want this incapable government), highlight the deep-seated discontent among the population.

In that particular moment in time, Haitians took the streets of Haiti asking then U.S. President Barak Obama and the USA to take over Haiti as a territory of the United States because, as they say, our Haitian leader cannot take care of us.

For years, Haitians have suffered under ineffective leadership, rampant corruption, and a lack of much-needed reforms.

The government's inability to address crucial issues such as poverty, infrastructure, healthcare, and education has only fueled the anger of the Haitian people.

Despite taking to the streets in protest, the voices of the Haitian people often fall on on deaf ears. Often times, our so called friends in the international community get together and help the Haitian people get exactly what they don't want: Another group of wannabe leaders who are more interested in filling their pockets than being of service the people of Haiti.

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Protest In Haiti - Haitian Police In Riot Gear

Protest In Haiti - Haitian Police In Riot Gear

Here is a photo of anti preval protest in haiti 7 fevrier 2011

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Anti Preval Riots In Haiti

Anti Preval Riots In Haiti

Here is a photo, Anti Preval Riots In Haiti, from an anti preval protest in Haiti on 7 Fevrier 2011

Photos: Joseph J. Hebreux Twitter/ViveHaiti

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Anti Preval Riots In Haiti

Anti Preval Riots In Haiti

Here is a photo, Anti Preval Riots In Haiti, from an anti preval protest in Haiti on 7 Fevrier 2011

Photos: Joseph J. Hebreux Twitter/ViveHaiti

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Anti Preval Riots In Haiti MINUSTAH Barricade Haitian National Palace

Anti Preval Riots In Haiti MINUSTAH Barricade Haitian National Palace

Here is a photo, Anti Preval Riots In Haiti MINUSTAH Barricade Haitian National Palace, from an anti preval protest in Haiti on 7 Fevrier 2011

Photos: Joseph J. Hebreux Twitter/ViveHaiti

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Anti Preval Riots In Haiti Haitian Police Chasing Rioters

Anti Preval Riots In Haiti Haitian Police Chasing Rioters

Here is a photo, Anti Preval Riots In Haiti Haitian Police Chasing Rioters, from an anti preval protest in Haiti on 7 Fevrier 2011

Photos: Joseph J. Hebreux Twitter/ViveHaiti

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Anti Preval Riots In Haiti

Anti Preval Riots In Haiti

Here is a photo, Anti Preval Riots In Haiti, from an anti preval protest in Haiti on 7 Fevrier 2011

Photos: Joseph J. Hebreux Twitter/ViveHaiti

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Anti Preval Riots In Haiti

Anti Preval Riots In Haiti

Here is a photo, Anti Preval Riots In Haiti, from an anti preval protest in Haiti on 7 Fevrier 2011

Photos: Joseph J. Hebreux Twitter/ViveHaiti

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Anti Preval Riots In Haiti Tires Burning 7 Fevrier 2011

Anti Preval Riots In Haiti Tires Burning 7 Fevrier 2011

Here is a photo, Anti Preval Riots In Haiti Tires Burning 7 Fevrier 2011, from an anti preval protest in Haiti on 7 Fevrier 2011

Photos: Joseph J. Hebreux Twitter/ViveHaiti

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Anti Preval Riots In Haiti Haitian Police In Riot Gear

Anti Preval Riots In Haiti Haitian Police In Riot Gear

Here is a photo, Anti Preval Riots In Haiti Haitian Police In Riot Gear, from an anti preval protest in Haiti on 7 Fevrier 2011

Photos: Joseph J. Hebreux Twitter/ViveHaiti

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