haitian police

To protect and to serve - Motto of the Haitian National Police

To protect and to serve - Motto of the Haitian National Police

To protect and to serve is often refereed to: "To Protect and to Serve", the motto of the Los Angeles Police Department since the 1960's but did you know, it is also the motto of the Haitian National Police force.

In french, the motto is "Proteger et Servir".

Many other police forces have adopted this motto across the United States. So has the police in Haiti.

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PHOTO: Haiti Police Force en Garde

PHOTO: Haiti Police Force en Garde

Gade photo saa.. Haiti - Police National la en guard... Yo pare pou mete lod nan dezod...

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PHOTO: Haiti Police National - Uniform

PHOTO: Haiti Police National - Uniform

Look at this photo... Haitian National police uniform....

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Anti Preval Riots In Haiti Haitian Police In Riot Gear

Anti Preval Riots In Haiti Haitian Police In Riot Gear

Here is a photo, Anti Preval Riots In Haiti Haitian Police In Riot Gear, from an anti preval protest in Haiti on 7 Fevrier 2011

Photos: Joseph J. Hebreux Twitter/ViveHaiti

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Anti Preval Riots In Haiti Haitian Police In Riot Gear

Anti Preval Riots In Haiti Haitian Police In Riot Gear

Here is a photo, Anti Preval Riots In Haiti Haitian Police In Riot Gear, from an anti preval protest in Haiti on 7 Fevrier 2011

Photos: Joseph J. Hebreux Twitter/ViveHaiti

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Protest In Haiti - Haitian Police In Riot Gear

Protest In Haiti - Haitian Police In Riot Gear

Here is a photo of anti preval protest in haiti 7 fevrier 2011

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