Haiti News: Photos

Here are some photos and images for Haitian articles that we publish on various Haitian blogs on the Internet especially The Haitian Internet Newlsetter.

Haitian Police kicking a burning tire during a street protest

Haitian Police kicking a burning tire during a street protest

When Haitians protest against the government, then burn car tires (boule kawotchou) in street corners to disrupt traffic.

If your Haitian friends tell you "kawotchou ap boule," it means there is a street protest in Haiti... LOL...

This is a picture of a Haitian policeman from the Departmental Unit of the Maintenance of Order (UDMO) kicking a burning tire left by protesters during the street protest to attempt to clear the streets.

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PHOTO: Haitians in Chile

PHOTO: Haitians in Chile

Here is a photo of a bunch of Haitians in Chile getting off a bus with a cold white snowy mountain in the background.

Oh... How cold it must be for these tropical folks.

Haitian Migration to Chile

Lots of Haitians migrated to Chile, a long, narrow country stretching along South America's western edge, looking for new opportunities. Some say nearly 1 percent of the Haitian population left and migrated to Chile.

Photo Credit: Folha de Sao Paolo

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Extra Extra... Read all about it!

Extra Extra... Read all about it!

Do a news search about Haiti when there is no street protests in Haiti, what do you come up with? If you scan the International news media looking for news about Haiti, you will find two types of news about Haiti...

Read more: haitianinternet.com

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Haitian police vehicle on fire - Thiotte Haiti

Haitian police vehicle on fire - Thiotte Haiti

Look at this photo... [tittle. Fifteen Haitian police officers are in trouble in Thiotte. Their vehicles are on fire after a failed operation.

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PHOTO: Incident at Cafe Trio, Cap-Haitien, Tropicana's Jacques Dubois dies

PHOTO: Incident at Cafe Trio, Cap-Haitien, Tropicana's Jacques Dubois dies

Look at this photo... An incident at Cafe Trio, Cap-Haitien Haiti caused the death of Tropicana's spoke person Jacques Dubois

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PHOTO: Haiti Autobus Sans-Souci Tours Services Transport

PHOTO: Haiti Autobus Sans-Souci Tours Services Transport

Look at this photo... Haiti Autobus Sans-Souci Tours Services Transport

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PHOTO: South Haiti cut of from the rest off the Country

PHOTO: South Haiti cut of from the rest off the Country

Look at this photo... The South peninsula of Haiti has been cut off from the rest of the Country following hurricane Matthew late September 2016...

Facebook photo...

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PHOTO: Haiti - Prime Minister Evans Paul Car Accident in Bourdon

PHOTO: Haiti - Prime Minister Evans Paul Car Accident in Bourdon

Look at this photo... Haiti - Prime Minister Evans Paul got into a Car Accident in Bourdon Wednesday, 25 Nov 2015

What do you think about that???

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Haiti News: Photos - More info:

Most of our Haitian artitlce are posted on The Haitian Internet Newsletter