Haiti prime minister Laurent Lamothe getting out of the Google driverless car
Look at this photo... Haiti prime minister Laurent Lamonthe getting out of a self-driving car in Google headquarters... No Chauffeurs here...
How cool is that? I could've used this thing when I was delivering newspapers for the News York Times! LOL...
From Google to Facebook to Apple, Haiti Prime Minister Laurent Lamothe took a whirlwind tour through Silicon Valley's most elite tech firms Wednesday, 20 Nov, 2013, convincing some of the world's wealthiest and most successful corporate executives to share support and innovation the Republic of Haiti.
All Comments (3)
Great move from our prime minister, i support him on putting our country back on the map, whether you like this team or not, they try hard to show an other image of our country.
Lamothe is a modern age man, not the king of leader that are obsolete by time.
He is right in the middle of changes that are changing this world so fast, that will be great if he could convince those technology moguls to create technology related for our very intelligent youth community in Haiti, Haitians can embrace technology with little effort, we are naturally brilliant people, most of our politicians are backward people but the people are forward people.
Tags: laurent lamothe, Silicon Valley, Google, Facebook, Haitian Politics, Technology in Haiti
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