Haitian Politics

Photos of Haitians in politics, government officials, in Haiti and on foreign soil. Read all about Haitian Politics at BelPolitik.com

Les Forces Armees d'Haiti (FADH)

Les Forces Armees d'Haiti (FADH)

Here is an photo of the old Haitian Armed forces - Les Forces Armees d'Haiti (FADH) - parading in the streets of Port-au-Prince in front of the National Palace.

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Former Presidents and Chiefs of State of Haiti

Former Presidents and Chiefs of State of Haiti

Here is a picture of some of the former Haitian presidents and Chiefs of State who have sat at the Haiti National Palace before President Michel Martelly

See photos of: Rene Preval, Jean Claude Duvalier, Henri Namphy, Boniface Alexandre, Leslie Manigat, Raoul Cedras, Jean Bertrand Aristide, Ertha Pascal Trouillot, Prosper Avril, Herard Abraham,

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Maryse Narcisse and the Jalousie slum bordering the city of Petionville

Maryse Narcisse and the Jalousie slum bordering the city of Petionville

Marise Narcisse is a high ranking member of the Fanmi Lavalas political party in Haiti. She was a candidate for president in the 2016-17 presidential elections.

The colorful artwork you see behind her is the Jalousie slum (in Haiti a slum is called bidonville) overlooking the the city of Petionville, where the rich people live and hang out, on the side of Morne Calvaire.

A project to turn Jalousie into a colorful objet d'art it is today was undertaken back in 2014 by the Martelly-Lamothe administration.

Discover more about Haiti's Jalousie Slum In Living Color here.

Learn more about Maryse Narcisse and Fanmi Lavalas politics here.

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PHOTO: Moise Jean Charles

PHOTO: Moise Jean Charles

Gade photo saa... Moise Jean Charles, ancien senateur de la republique, ancien candidat a la presidence

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Rony Timothee - FOPARK

Rony Timothee - FOPARK

Voici la photo de Rony Timothee - FOPARK

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PHOTO: Samuel Madistin

PHOTO: Samuel Madistin

Gade photo saa... Samuel Madistin, avocat du barreau de Port-au-Prince, membre de la plateforme MOPOD...

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Haiti Parti Politik PHTK - Vive Martelly

Haiti Parti Politik PHTK - Vive Martelly

Gade photo saa... Yon mesye abiye an rose a blan, li kenbe yon pannkat ki di "PHTK - VIVE MARTELLY"... Se pa ti shèlbè non misye shèlbè... LOL

Note: PHTK vle di Pati Haitien Tet Kale... Se nouvo pati politik prezidan Martelly a

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PHOTO: Haiti - Nonie Mathieu

PHOTO:  Haiti - Nonie Mathieu

Gade photo saa... Nonie Mathieu President de la Cour supérieure des comptes et du contentieux administratif (CSC/CA)

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PHOTO: Haiti - Maryse Narcisse ap enskri Fanmi LAVALAS pou patisipe nan Election

PHOTO: Haiti - Maryse Narcisse ap enskri Fanmi LAVALAS pou patisipe nan Election

Gade photo saa... Haiti - Maryse Narcisse ap enskri Fanmi LAVALAS pou patisipe nan Election 2015 yo..

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