Hinche Haiti

Here are some photos of Hinche Haiti. Hinche is the Capital of the Central Plateau in Haiti

Somewhere in Haiti, Kabrit la sou dife - How to cook goat meat Haitian party style

Somewhere in Haiti, Kabrit la sou dife - How to cook goat meat Haitian party style

Somewhere in Haiti, Kabrit la sou dife... We have just started cooking the goat meat, and the chef is putting the final touches. LOL...

This is how you cook goat meat Haitian backyard party style: Find a big chodyè, dump the entire goat meat in there, throw in the ingredients, some plantains, some rhum Barbancourt and voila!

Goat (kabrit) and Guinea fowl (pintade) are two favorites dishes of the people in the Plateau Central department of Haiti.

Whenever you're in Hinche, be sure to enjoy some boiled kabrit or pintade. you will love it.

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Motorcycles line up at a Gas Station in Central Haiti

Motorcycles line up at a Gas Station in Central Haiti

A gas station in Central Haiti has motorcycles lined up to get their 50 to 100 gourdes of gasoline for a day's work. The driver of a pickup truck modified for the dirt roads of Haiti has the hood open for a quick checkup.

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Hinche Haiti - In front of the old Catholic church, getting ready for Fête patronale de Hinche

Hinche Haiti - In front of the old Catholic church, getting ready for Fête patronale de Hinche

Less than two hours from the Haiti's Capital Port-au-Prince in the Centre Department is the city of Hinche, also called the city of Charlemagne Peralte, home to the oldest cathedral in the Americas.

This old cathedral you are looking at was built in 1503 by Nicolas de Ovando.

The old Catholic church In Hinche Haiti, this is the oldest cathedral in Island The old Catholic church In Hinche Haiti, this is the oldest cathedral in Island

It's December 1st, 2018, and merchants are lining up in front of the old church getting ready for Fête patronale de Hinche, la fête de l'Immaculée Conception (the feast of the Immaculate Conception), patron saint of the city of Hinche, on 8 and 9 December.

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HInche Haiti - Getting ready for Fête patronale

HInche Haiti - Getting ready for Fête patronale

Less than two hours from the Haiti's Capital Port-au-Prince is the city of Hinche, also callde the city of Charlemagne Peralte, home to the oldest cathedral in the Americas. Built in 1503 by Nicolas de Ovando.

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HInche Haiti - Getting ready for Fête patronale

HInche Haiti - Getting ready for Fête patronale

Less than two hours from the Haiti's Capital Port-au-Prince is the city of Hinche, also callde the city of Charlemagne Peralte, home to the oldest cathedral in the Americas. Built in 1503 by Nicolas de Ovando.

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HInche Haiti - Getting ready for Fête patronale

HInche Haiti - Getting ready for Fête patronale

Less than two hours from the Haiti's Capital Port-au-Prince is the city of Hinche, also callde the city of Charlemagne Peralte, home to the oldest cathedral in the Americas. Built in 1503 by Nicolas de Ovando.

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The old Catholic church In Hinche Haiti, this is the oldest cathedral in Island

The old Catholic church In Hinche Haiti, this is the oldest cathedral in Island

Here is a great Haiti tourist attraction you just have to visit on your next trip. This old catholic church in Hinche Haiti is more than 500 years old.

This cathedral in Hinche was built in 1503 by Nicolas de Ovando

This is one of the oldest catholic churches in Haiti, the oldest cathedral in the island of Hispaniola.

The saint in front of the catholic church in Hinche is Immaculee Conception, in Hinche they call it Manman Marie

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Haitian Students waiting for the Bus - Hinche Haiti

Haitian Students waiting for the Bus - Hinche Haiti

Look at this photo... Haitian Student waiting for the bus in front of the old Catholic cathedral in Hinche Haiti

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A BOURETYE and his BOURET in Haiti

A BOURETYE and his BOURET in Haiti

Look at this photo of Bouretye and his Bouret... In Haiti, a "bouret" is a man-powered vehicle used to carry just about everything. A "Bouret" is a wooden wheelbarrow.

A newspaper article once called it a 10-foot contraption known as a "bouret"

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Hinche Haiti Live - 31 Dec 2013

Hinche Haiti Live - 31 Dec 2013

Gade photo saa... mwen live sou place Hinche la, Haiti, 31 Dec 2013... Moun Hinche ap tann 2014 la...

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