Hurby "Luv Bug" Azor at Festival Soleil in Haiti
Here is a photo of Haitian hip-hop music producer Hurby "Luv Bug" Azor, aka "Fingerprints" at Festival Soleil in Kaliko Beach Club Haiti.
Hurby Azor is best known for discovering the successful female hip-hop trio Salt-n-Pepa and the also successful hip-hop duo Kid 'n Play.
Hurby wrote and performed in Salt-N-Pepa's music video for "Push It", on keyboards and back vocals, and also wrote the duo's song "Let's Talk About Sex."
Tags: festival soleil, kalico beach, cotes des acadains, hip hop, Hurby Azor, Salt-n-Pepa, Kid-n-Play, Festival Soleil - Kaliko Beach Haiti
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