Labadee Haiti

Labadee Haiti Pictures, See pictures of Labadee Haiti as tourists get off cruiseships to this beautiful Island Paradise

Labadee Haiti - A private resort In Northern Haiti, a place to visit at least once in your life

Labadee Haiti - A private resort In Northern Haiti, a place to visit at least once in your life

One of the best resorts in Haiti is Labadee (Labadie in French) in Northern Haiti. But to go there you may have to book a cruise with Royal Caribbean Cruise Line.

Labadee is private beach resort in Haiti leased to Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd., for the exclusive use of passengers of its three cruise lines: Royal Caribbean International, Celebrity Cruises, and Azamara Club Cruises, until 2050.

People ask: Is it safe to go to Labadee Haiti?

Of course it is... Labadee resort is completely tourist-oriented, and it is guarded by a private security force.

In Labadee everything is in place to receive tourists for a day even very private cabins, over-water cabanas, that you actually have to walk in the water to get into.

There are many attractions to enjoy your stay at Labadee including Dragon's Breath Zip Line, the world's longest zip line over water.

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Labadee Haiti - Royal Caribbean Cruise Line Haiti Kayak Adventure

Labadee Haiti - Royal Caribbean Cruise Line Haiti Kayak Adventure

See the tourists from the Royal Caribbean Voyager Of The Seas cruise ship hanging out and enjoying their Kayak Adventure in Labadee Haiti.

If you want to Cruise to Labadee, Haiti, and discover your very own private paradise set amid spectacular mountains and lush foliage, you will have to book a cruise with Royal Caribbean Cruise Line.

Labadee is a private resort leased to Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd., for the exclusive use of passengers of its three cruise lines.

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Labadee Haiti Aqua Park

Labadee Haiti Aqua Park

Take a look at a beautiful aqua park in the remote carribean paradise of Labadee Haiti.

Guest of the Royal Caribbean Voyager Of The Seas cruiseships are hanging out and enjoying their Labadee Haiti Aqua Park Adventure.

Photo borrowed from

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Caribbean Cruise to Labadee Haiti - The day Oasis of the Sea docked in Labadee for the first time

Caribbean Cruise to Labadee Haiti - The day Oasis of the Sea docked in Labadee for the first time

Oasis of the Sea, the world's largest cruise ship, docked in Labadee, Haiti, for the first time on December 3, 2009. This was the very first time any cruise ship ever docked in Labadee Haiti.

The cruise ship docked early that morning for a full day in port at Labadee, an island on Haiti's northern coast that's leased exclusively by Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines.

While several Royal Caribbean cruise ships cruise been visiting Labadee on when cruising the Western Caribbean,December 3, 2009 marked the first time a ship has dropped anchor and docked ashore.

The Oasis of the Seas, which is nearly 40% larger than any other cruise ship, can accommodate 6,300 passengers and a crew of 2,100. It also has an ice rink and a small golf course, several swimming pools, other sport venues and parks, as well as a theater.

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Labadee Aqua Park

Labadee Aqua Park

When the Cruiseships arrive in Labadee, an aqua park is set up so they can enjoy their beautiful Island getaway

See the tourists from the Royal Caribbean Voyager Of The Seas cruiseship hanging out and enjoying their Labadee Haiti Aqua Park Adventure.

Photo borrowed from

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Labadee Water Slide

Labadee Water Slide

Here is a picture of people in Labadee Haiti on a water slide.

There is a bigger picture on

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Royal Caribbean Grandeur of The Seas at Labadee Haiti

Royal Caribbean Grandeur of The Seas at Labadee Haiti

Here is a picture of Royal Caribbean Grandeur of The Seas cruise ship at Labadee Haiti back in 1999.

"I thought Labadee was very pretty" says the tourist who posted this picture on

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Labadee Kayak Adventure

Labadee Kayak Adventure

Here is a picture of people in Labadee Haiti on a Kyak Adventure. The people in this picture are from the Royal Caribbean Voyager Of The Seas cruiseship.

For a larger picture and for more picture on this cruise visit

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