Travel to Haiti Virtually - Explore Haiti From Home

Take a virtual tour of Haiti from the comfort of your home from anywhere in the world. Let Haiti Virtual Tourist take you on a virtual flight to Haiti where you can discover as much as you want about the Haitian people, our culture, food, history, tourist attractions and more without actually having to catch a flight or travel to Haiti.

Google - Kreyol Ayisyen

Google - Kreyol Ayisyen

Cheche ak Google nan lang Kreyol Ayisyen

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PHOTO: Michel-Ange Gedeon - Haiti Chief of Police

PHOTO: Michel-Ange Gedeon - Haiti Chief of Police

Haiti Ministère de la Justice et de la Sécurité Publique

Haiti Ministère de la Justice et de la Sécurité Publique

Le Ministère de la Justice et de la Sécurité Publique
Selon le décret du 30 mars 1984, le Ministère de la Justice et de la Sécurité Publique formule la politique du gouvernement dans le domaine de l'administration de la Justice. Il est placé sous l'autorité d'un Ministre et a pour attributions spécifiques d'organiser l'institution judiciaire, de controler les activités des Cours, Tribunaux et Parquets et le fonctionnement des offices ministériels.

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PHOTO: Haiti Autobus Sans-Souci Tours Services Transport

PHOTO: Haiti Autobus Sans-Souci Tours Services Transport

Look at this photo... Haiti Autobus Sans-Souci Tours Services Transport

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PHOTO: Moise Jean Charles

PHOTO: Moise Jean Charles

Gade photo saa... Moise Jean Charles, ancien senateur de la republique, ancien candidat a la presidence

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PHOTO: Haiti - Krek Koko

PHOTO: Haiti - Krek Koko

Men photo Krek Koko... Eske se yon atis? Eske se yon moun fou?

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PHOTO: South Haiti cut of from the rest off the Country

PHOTO: South Haiti cut of from the rest off the Country

Look at this photo... The South peninsula of Haiti has been cut off from the rest of the Country following hurricane Matthew late September 2016...

Facebook photo...

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PHOTO: Haiti - Daly Valet

PHOTO: Haiti - Daly Valet

Look at this photo... Haitian journalist Daly Valet

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