Raynald Delerme @ the Haitian Entertainment Awards
All Comments (7)
This is For Sabrina"
I sort of agree with ms. Carline.
Sabrina I think you're very outrageous and very disgraceful and that makes you very ignorant, by reading your ignorant comments I do not even think that you've actually graduated from high school.
I sort of agree with ms. Carline Sabrina.
I think you're very outrageous and very disgraceful and that makes you very ignorant, by reading your ignorant comments I do not even think that you've actually graduated from high school.
Why are you so angry at the world?
Sabrina he's a legend in the haitian movie industry.You should be proud of him, he was one of haitian that put haitian movie on the map. With your corrupted american mind you should always support everything haitians do, after all, if everyone think like you we would never progressd.
He has done things in the haitian movie industry you would never do in your lifetime.
The man has guts something you will never
baba is walking around like he's Denzel Washington or something, when he knows he's crap. baba is nothing but a gold digger.
All he's looking for is to get rich, something that will never happen.
Baba uses people for their tallents.
I have nothing but praise for people like Raynald Delerme and all the other producers and actors who make Haitian movies.
In a country like Haiti where even the basic necessities are luxuries for millions of folks, it takes guts and sheer determination to achieve anything worthwhile.
I think people who criticize these pionneers are plain ignorant, incapable of either acting or producing, but readily available to poison the air with their negativity.
Who thinks that baba is a great actor and producer?
I think raynald delerm sucks.
all of his movies suck. he can't act. seriously, that man does not have the gift in the business.
Tags: Haitian Entertainment Awards
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