driving in Haiti

License Plates of Haiti

License Plates of Haiti

Here are some just some of the licence plates from Haiti. Each color represents a type of licence plate.

Also, the first two letters from a Haitian license plate mainly tells you what type of plate it is. For example SE is a State vehicle. OF is a vehicle belonging to a high ranking State official. TP is a Haitian transport vehicle etc...

See more licence plates of Haiti at worldlicenseplates.com

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Thomonde Bridge, Route Nationale No 3, Thomonde, Centre, Haiti

Thomonde Bridge, Route Nationale No 3, Thomonde, Centre, Haiti

Here is a photo of Pond De Thomonde (Thomonde Haiti Bridge), on Highway 3 (Route Nationale No 3) in Thomonde Haiti...

If you look closely you will notice two bridges side by side on Rivière Thomonde (Thomonde River). The smaller bridge is the old dirt road before Highway 3 was paved. They straightened the road a little bit and build a bigger bridge.

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Car Accident Haiti - Truck Turnover

Car Accident Haiti - Truck Turnover

Road accidents in very common in Haiti, many of the road are in bad shape and the public transportation truck and buses are usually overloaded...

Boc Banic - Truck Accident - 2013-08-18

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Haiti Roads - Boucle Centre-Artibonite - Center Artibonite Loop

Haiti Roads - Boucle Centre-Artibonite - Center Artibonite Loop

Here is a map of what the Center-Artibonite Loop (Boucle Centre-Artibonite) will look like... Haiti's Center-Artibonite Loop will cover 14 municipalities in 3 provinces (departments), The Artibonite, the North, and the Plateau Central... The urban centers of 10 of these municipalities are on the loop itself...

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Haiti - 2 Bef nan bouda yon kamionet

Haiti - 2 Bef nan bouda yon kamionet

Gade photo saa... 2 Bèf byen mare nan bouda yon camionet... Gade bien pou-w wè, anba janm madanm, w-ap we pye bèf blan-anmare... Tet bef la arebo deye madanm la... Gade dèyè bokit yo, wap wè yon bèf nwa nan fon an...

Se pa ti sezi-m sezi lè-m we bagay saa?

Kijan yon fe mare pie bèf sa yo? avan oswa apre yo mete yo nan camionet la? LOL...

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Haiti - 2 Bèf nan bouda yon camionèt

Haiti - 2 Bèf nan bouda yon camionèt

Gade photo saa... Yon camionet devan-m Haiti, mwen wè Bef nan bouda camionet la... Gade bien pou-w wè, anba janm madanm, w-ap we pye bèf blan-anmare... Gade dèyè bokit yo, wap wè yon bèf nwa nan fon an...

Se pa ti sezi-m sezi lè-m we bagay saa?

Kijan yon fe mare pie bèf sa yo? avan oswa apre yo mete yo nan camionet la? LOL...

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Haiti Dirt Roads - Outside Hinche, Near Labelone

Haiti Dirt Roads - Outside Hinche, Near Labelone

June 2013 - This is what the road look like when leaving Hinche going towards Labelone.

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Haiti Muddy roads - Hinche to Maissade

Haiti Muddy roads - Hinche to Maissade

June 2013 - Look at this Muddy road outside Hinche en route to Maissade. This stretch of road is only a few hundred yards from Hospital in Hinche.

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