jean claude duvalier

Former Presidents and Chiefs of State of Haiti

Former Presidents and Chiefs of State of Haiti

Here is a picture of some of the former Haitian presidents and Chiefs of State who have sat at the Haiti National Palace before President Michel Martelly

See photos of: Rene Preval, Jean Claude Duvalier, Henri Namphy, Boniface Alexandre, Leslie Manigat, Raoul Cedras, Jean Bertrand Aristide, Ertha Pascal Trouillot, Prosper Avril, Herard Abraham,

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Jean Claude Duvalier

Jean Claude Duvalier

Look at this photo of Haiti dictator Jean Claude 'BabyDoc' Duvalier

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PHOTO: Jean-Claude "BabyDoc" Duvalier - Former Haiti Dictator

PHOTO: Jean-Claude

Look at this photo... Jean-Claude "BabyDoc" Duvalier - Former Haiti Dictator. He didn't call himself a dictator but the president for life!

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Papadoc and Babydoc - Francois Duvalier and Jean-Claude Duvalier

Papadoc and Babydoc - Francois Duvalier and Jean-Claude Duvalier

Look at this photo... Papadoc and Babydoc - Francois Duvalier and Jean-Claude Duvalier...

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Jean-Claude Duvalier drinking Champagne

Jean-Claude Duvalier drinking Champagne

Look at this photo... Former Haitian President for life Jean Claude Duvalier drinking Champagne (Gade photo saa, Duvalier ap bwè Chanpay...)

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baby doc duvalier

baby doc duvalier

Here is a photo of baby doc duvalier

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Jean Claude Duvalier

Jean Claude Duvalier

Here is a photo of ex Haiti president Jean Claude Duvalier

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jean claude duvalier

jean claude duvalier

Here is a photo of jean claude duvalier

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Jean Claude Duvalier Press Conference

Jean Claude Duvalier  Press Conference

Here is a photo of former Haitian President Jean Claude Duvalier giving his first press conference since returning to Haiti, January 21 2011

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Jean Claude Duvalier And Wife Back In Haiti, First Photos

Jean Claude Duvalier And Wife Back In Haiti, First Photos

Here is a photo of President Jean Claude Duvalier, and his wife Veronique Roy minutes after he landed in Haiti on January 16 2011.

This photo was take of the former president as he entered the Haiti international airport.

Photo from Facebook

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